Project info

Organic Resource Management for Soil Fertility – ORM4Soil

Title: Farmer-driven organic resource management to build soil fertility and improve food security

Funding: Swiss Programme for Research on global Issues for Development, a partnership of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Project coordinator: Dr. Andreas Fließbach, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland

Project sites: Ghana, Kenya, Mali and Zambia

Duration: 2015-2021

Project sites

The ORM4Soil project is present in eight sites across four countries: Mali, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. The selection of the countries took into account their widespread locations within Sub-Saharan Africa, thus presenting different nutrient depletion rates, farming systems, cultural backgrounds, soil types and agro-ecological zones.

The selection of the two sites in each country was based on differences in rainfall abundance and distribution, cropping patterns, soil type, the diversity and type of crops and the socio-economic context.

(For more information, click on a country)